Pmp Audio Books

Pmp Audio Books

Hello, I wanted to know if anyone has tried Rita's audio book. I'm thinking about purchasing it. I've been reading her book as well as the PMBOK. I'm going to re-read. PMP Exam Prep Audio Book [Rita Mulcahy] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is the Audio book for the Rita's PMP Prep book. I passed with this. Want to expand your study methods? Make use of your commute time? Our PMP exam expert searched high & low for quality exam prep materials in audio and video format.

Need a simple project management software to manage your team? Check-out our valuable and unique. Podcasts are rich media content that usually contains audio, sometimes with video, PDF, and other digital files.

They are listened to either online from the podcast site, downloaded manually, or pushed automatically to computers and personal media players through web syndication. There has been a steady growth of awareness and listening to podcasts year on year, perhaps due to the increase of personal medial players in different forms such as smart phones and tablets. The popularity of iTunes can also be considered an important factor, since many podcasts are now available through it. No matter how the podcasts are listened to, they give several advantages to certain groups of listeners like project management professionals. Flashflashrevolution Sims here. Advantages of Listening to Podcasts Project managers in particular can take advantage of the benefits of listening to podcasts. For instance, project management podcasts are considered a horizontal media form, which means that the producers or podcasters are consumers themselves, and consumers or listeners can easily become producers also. Both sides can engage in conversations, and since podcasts are an intimate way of delivering content, project professionals can build strong learning partnerships with one another.

Another important advantage of listening to project management podcasts is using it to fulfill the PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements. Just by listening to a PM-related podcast, project managers can earn Professional Development Units (PDU) to help them accumulate the required PDUs during the 3-year cycle. According to the latest PDU Category Structure and Policies from the PMI, 1 PDU can be earned for every 1 hour spent in a self-directed learning activity (Category C), and up to a total of 30 PDUs per cycle can be earned for this category, of which listening to a podcast qualifies as a self-learning activity. Other advantages include being able to connect to other project managers, having a more convenient and personal way of getting information, and also spending less to obtain valuable information, since many podcasts are free. The Top 5 PM Podcast Sites Below is a list of the top 5 project management podcast sites we have come across. Criteria in choosing include having options for free or paid subscription, having the most recent podcast activity, regularity, availability of other PM resources, and options for listening to the podcast. The PDU Podcast (Highly Recommended) Highly Recommended – The PDU Podcast helps PMPs and PgMPs earn PDUs comfortably.