X Files Red Museum Stevie

The X-Files – Red Museum. The exploration of faith in the nineties is one of the recurring themes of The X-Files, and the Church of the Red Museum ties together. The X-Files – Red Museum (Review). This August (and a little of September), we’re taking a trip back in time to review the second season of The X-Files. Throughout nine seasons of The X-Files. (“Red Museum”) 1995. Beaufort Sea. The Alien Bounty Hunter crash-lands. Says Stevie Nicks.

Case: The potential possession of several abducted, marked, and severely traumatized teens. Destination: Delta Glen, Wisconsin Mulder and Scully head to Wisconsin to investigate a series of abductions in which the teenaged victims are returned with “he is one” or “she is one” written on their backs, and in such a hysterical state that several have had to be sedated and hospitalized. The local sheriff suspects that they are being possessed, and that the abductors are from the “Church of the Red Museum,” a cultish group of vegetarians that have set up shop in the middle of cow country.

X Files Red Museum Stevie

During the course of the investigation, Mulder and Scully are shocked to discover that the kids and the wider community have been long-term test subjects in an experiment with connections to the government conspirators they’ve confronted in the past. ‘Red Museum’ isn’t a terribly strong episode. At the outset, it seems like a standard “freak of the week” episode, with some abducted teens, a creepy Peeping Tom, and an odd, turban-wearing cult. But then about halfway through it shows its true colors, revealing it is actually a stealth mythology episode! The victims (and the cows, of course) were being injected with alien DNA! And not just any alien DNA, the very same stuff that Scully discovered back in ‘The Erlenmeyer Flask’! Nic Noc Enfermagem there. This is just like the experiment that Deep Throat told Scully about: “In 1987, a group of children from a southern state were given what their parents thought was a routine inoculation.

What they were injected with was a clone DNA from the contents of that package you’re holding as a test.” Awesome! All of a sudden, Scully’s talking about ‘Purity Control’ and Crew-Cut Man is in the house covering up the conspirators’ tracks, and the episode shifts into a whole new gear.