Elmer Wheeler Tested Sentences That Sell Pdf
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Telecharger Java Tete La Premiere Pdf To Excel. 'Don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle.' “Confidential Selling Secrets Revealed By the Single Greatest Salesman of All Time Elmer Wheeler AndNobody, But Nobody Teaches Testing Results Like Wheeler.” Discover the easiest way to double your selling power overnight with this groundbreaking marketing classic. Using Tested Selling Sentences. You’ll quickly and easily learn how to uncover the most-persuasive benefits hidden in everything you sell, the secret to selling more without saying more.
Driver At91 Usb Serial. Case Study #1: During the depths of the Great Depression Texaco was looking to sell more oil to their customers. Too many people, without giving it a second thought, said 'no' when a service station attendant asked 'Check your oil today?' Along comes Elmer Wheeler suggesting that they replace the question with 'Is your oil at the proper level today, sir?' Now asking something like 'Is your oil at the proper level today, sir?' Would seem to be just common sense. A line so simple you’d think most gas station owners would naturally come up with it - but few did.
Which is why Texaco paid Wheeler $5,000 for those nine words a small fortune in the depression-riddled 1930s. They got their money’s worth and more. In one week, Texaco attendants got under 250,000 more hoods. Who was Elmer Wheeler and why should you care? Born in 1904, Mr. Wheeler was well known as one of the pioneers of persuasion.
Case Study #2: The president of Barbasol asked Wheeler to help them sell more shaving cream. The first slogan they tried was 'How would you like to save six minutes shaving?' Wheeler instructed their salespeople to then say 'Use Barbasol. Just spread it on.
'Tested Sentences That Sell' by Elmer Wheeler is a digital EPUB ebook for direct download to PC, Mac, Notebook, Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Smartphone, eReader - but not. Is 'tested sentences that sell' now in public. Elmer Wheeler's Tested Sentences That Sell. And if anyone would like the pdf version of tested sentences.
Shave it off. Nothing else required!' When they tested it, they found it increased sales by 102 percent. A light bulb went off in Wheeler’s head, and he changed the slogan to 'How would you like to slash your shaving time in half?' That adjustment increased sales by another 300 percent. Arachnid English Mark Darts Series 6000 Manual. Don't leave your selling up to chance or theory.
Discover how you can use these time-tested and proven principles to boost sales regardless if you do business online or offline. These methods work for everyone from executives who want to sell more products to job-seekers who need to stand out from the pack. Here’s just a small sample of the insight you will gain from this powerful classic • You’ll discover which hypnotic word literally forces people to say 'Yes!' • The 'X, Y, Z' principle of selling (and what it means to you.) • One simple word that overcomes almost any objection. • The difference between making a 'canned' sales presentation and a 'planned' presentation. • Why the best message in the world will fall flat on its face if you don't use the Wheeler 'A-B Principle.'
Over the years, Wheeler tested 105,000 selling statements for 5,000 products. He eliminated 100,000 of them. He summed up the philosophy behind what he called 'Tested Selling' by saying 'Don’t think so much about what you want to say as about what the prospect wants to hear - then the response you will get will more often be the one you are aiming for.' Testing Sentences That Sell, is the Go To resource for some of the most successful marketers on the planet.
In it Wheeler laid out his five 'Wheelerpoints': Wheelerpoint #1. 'Don’t sell the steak - sell the sizzle.' It’s one of the first things a new marketer or copywriter learns. Sell benefits and deeper benefits. Your prospect could care less about the product. Wheelerpoint #2. 'Don’t write - telegraph!'
Back in Wheeler’s day, telegraphs were a popular way for people to send messages. But you were charged by the word. So, to keep the price down, you had to choose your words wisely. By saying 'Don’t write - telegraph,' Wheeler meant 'Make every word count.' He often said 'Your first 10 words are more important than the next 10,000' and 'You have only 10 short seconds to catch your prospect’s attention.' Wheelerpoint #3. 'Say it with flowers.'